If your mobile phone gets discharged you will charge it again and again to keep your phone active like that we have to give our business a digital charge let me explain you in detail way as we all know all Businesses in the world are greatly affected due to Corona virus, we have to give a digital charge to our business so that it will active again, what kind of digital charge that we can give to our business?
We have to make sure our online presence, come on let’s see few activities that will make sure your online presence
1. We should actively participate in all sort of social medias websites
Daily spend some time in social medias like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn. This is not a rocket science you can simply post your feedbacks to your industry related discussions you can give suggestions to the people who are in need about your industry. You can communicate with your customers, you can share your offers
2. Create short and crispy videos that should depict your business
3. Design banner ads you and post it in all platforms that you can able to do
4. Do some philanthropy activity and don’t forget to post that activity in all social media
5. Update your website with eCommerce facility
6. Make use of product catalogue facility in WhatsApp for business
7. Make your products and services to be available at customer doorstep India website by means of online booking